Ideas About the Stratosphere

The greenhouse effect myth has not only been the potential cause of economic and political disruption, but is proving itself a positive obstruction to the advancement of science, much as the adherence to the ‘irrefutable’ geocentric universe did in the past.


I notice large numbers of people simply download my stuff.  Well, you are welcome to it, but my purpose in presenting it is to invite discussion.  I am by no means some kind of guru, merely a searcher after truth.  Rather than simply parroting dogma, I go back to first principles, and in so doing discover that the foundations on which the global warming scare is based are seriously shaky.

None of my stuff has been submitted for publication, because frankly I really couldn’t be bothered.  I am retired and have no need to try and advance a career.  I write primarily to amuse myself.

If anybody wishes to publish my stuff under their own name, I will not consider it plagiarism,  None of it carries a copyright.  Indeed, getting any of it past the phoney, crony, baloney pal review of people whose reputations were built on the current dogma will involve far more intellectual effort, perseverance and application than I ever put into writing my various articles.  Steal the material with my blessing.

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